Join Us October 28th - November 2nd For the 2024 Play in Paradise Retreat in Costa Rica! Learn More >


Are you ready to heal yourself?

About Your Yoga Friend

Hi, I'm Your Yoga Friend Rayn and my mission is to help you build a relationship of trust with your nervous system through the tools of music, movement & touch.

Feeling good, feeling safe, and thriving in this life all starts with a regulated nervous system. As our reality expands, understanding and cultivating this relationship is becoming more vitally important than ever. The more our nervous system can learn to trust us, the more we can learn to trust it, and in turn, the world around us.

Because this work pushes the limits of my participants’ learning & healing edge, I prioritize creating a safe, trauma-informed container where all people feel safe to explore, express, be witnessed, and be held by the community.

Everyone has the power and the wisdom within to heal themselves. Everyone deserves to live a beautiful, radiant life.
My life's purpose is to show you how.



YYF Offerings

Movement Medicine
Music Medicine
Stretch Workshops
One-on-One Sessions
Multi-Day Immersive Retreats

I offer lovingly-crafted, trauma-informed, and heart-centered experiences to help us begin to build this relationship of trust. These experiences range from one-on-one sessions (nervous system education, guided breathwork, guided somatic vocalization), to group workshops (movement medicine, music medicine, touch medicine), yoga classes, to multi-destination retreat experiences abroad. Ready to for the medicine? Learn more about our offerings and when you're ready, check out the calendar for upcoming group events or dive into a one-on-one experience with Your Yoga Friend.



Your Yoga Friend Calendar


Say Hello.

Message me here for more information.